Corporate transient travel is anticipated to be the first to return once cross state shelter at home restrictions are lifted. A new face of business travel is expected with less people traveling through Q1 2021.
Travel Managers are indicating they see reigniting limited business travel by as early as June 2020.
Globally travel will predominantly be domestic, 5 hour drive market and regional with a new “essential” business traveler. Potentially smaller hotels and hotels clearly communicating they are open and their Duty of Care will be most attractive.
Unmanaged Corporate Travel not tied to specific contracted hotels can be a strong source of the “new” business transient contribution. These are companies who will need to travel domestically first to keep business alive and may rely less on airline routes returning. TMC/Consortia programs and directly targeting drive market businesses will be key resources for these unmanaged travelers.
Business segments currently traveling or expected to return first will be the following:
- Client facing, domestic essential to keeping and growing business traveler.
- SME Type Travel- Less Traditional Corporate Volume Accounts
- Banking
- Manufacturing
- Pharmaceutical/Medical
- Consulting
- Government- related to COVID19- FEMA, National Guard, First Responders and Logistic Companies.
- Distribution Companies
- Sanitation Companies
- Companies Reshaping Organizations post COVID19 new norm.
- EX: Logistic Companies behind scene before coming back or moving businesses out of offices to remote home based offices.
Industry collaborations collected by Allison Ahrens, President, Hospitality Revenue Solutions LLC, Elaine Kennedy, VP Market Planning, Pegasus.